Déclaration des acteurs de l’Océan, Initiative française du GPBB portée par RespectOcean

Plus de 125 acteurs maritimes français appellent à un engagement pour la biodiversité marine en amont de la COP 15 biodiversité.

RespectOcean, point focal français du Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity (GPBB), par cette déclaration collective, porte l'implication et la conviction de ces acteurs quant à l'impérieuse nécessité de prendre en compte les sujets de l'Océan et de la préservation de sa biodiversité, en amont de la COP 15 de la Convention sur la Diversité Biologique (CDB) début décembre à Montréal.

L'association publie la "Déclaration des acteurs de l'Océan, Initiative française du GPBB portée par RespectOcean", co-signée par 126 acteurs de l'écosystème maritime français.

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Fromageot Claude, President (RespectOcean) - Le Gouvello Raphaëla, CEO (Stermor), Founder and Honorary President (RespectOcean) - Cognard Jeremie, Co-founder (Agriloops)- Vandame Romain, Co-founder (Agriloops) - Lesage Stéphanie, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary (Airseas) - Bernatets Vincent, Founding CEO (Airseas) - Blandin Matthieu, CSO (Akrocéan) - Faure Frederic, CEO (Algaia) - Cadoret Jean-Paul, CSO (Algama) - Eric Bordron, DG , (Algologie) - Thibault Lilian, Founder (Awake Concept) - Beaujolin Amadeus, Managing director (Blue Observer) - Bertrand François-Alexandre, President (Blue Odyssey Initiative) - Sevin Marie-Aude, Director of Operations, (BlueSeeds) - Gerbet Julien, Co-founder (Blutopia) - Baldellou Clément, President (Capillum) - Taylor James, DG, (Capillum) - Boulanger Léa, Project Manager (Capillum) - Mace Thierry, DG (Charier GC) - Lelong Sarah, Founder (Consult'Ocean) - Vaschalde Diane, COO (ConsultantSeas) - Le Texier Marie, CEO (ConsultantSeas) - Coco Tamlyn, Communication & outreach manager (Coral Guardian) - Dupont Eric, Co Founder (EKKOPOL) - De Kersauson Geoffroy, Co-Founder (EKKOPOL) - Dabin Stéphanie, Director and Founder (Entre Mer et Terre) - Guichoux Yann, CEO (Eodyn) - Deixonne Patrick, Founder (Expedition 7eme Continent) - Dumontet Bruno, Founder (Expédition MED) - Laporte Olivier, Operations Director (Falco) - Padioleau Marion, Founder (Finsulate France) - Guillemin Harold, Founder & CEO (FinX) - Guillemin Eugénie , Chief of Staff (FinX) - Corsi Chopin Alexandra, Institutional relations manager (FinX) - Canetti Thomas, Founder and CEO (Food4Good) - Masurel Manon, Marketing & CSR Manager (Food4Good) - Radola Charline, President (Galeniform) - Barreau Jacques, DG (Grain de Sail) - Jeanne RENARD, Deputy CEO HR (Groupe Rocher) - Rannou Philippe, Founder (Hydro’Environnement) - Carlési Nicolas, Founder & President (IADYS) - Combier Anne, Founder (Kotai Project) - Doriez Lucie, Founder (K-REN) - Vitoux Alice, President (La Fresque Océane) - Hingant Ondine, President (Les Ateliers O’dicy) - Cairo Paolo, President (Les Eoliennes en Mer Services) - Delbury Maxime, DG, (Nautix) - Enaux Bénédicte, Communication manager (Neoline) - Zanuttini Jean, President (Neoline) - Biarez Jonathan, Founder (Ninamu Solutions) - Laurant Yves, Founder & President (Nodus Factory) - Donnard Christophe, Founder & President (Ocealis-Consulting) - Liret Céline, Scientific Director (Oceanopolis) - Griboval Yvan, Founder (Oceano Scientific) - Fouquet Charles, Co-Founder & CEO (Onami Foods) - De Kerdrel Hugues, Co-Founder (Over The Swell) - Mauviel Jean, CEO (Phare d'Eckmühl) - Courtois Anthony, Founder (Polymaris biotechnology) - Daoud Wassim, Head of CRS and sustainability (Ponant) - Plisson Bernard, Strategic Director & Ecological Transition (Port atlantique La Rochelle) - Murard Xavier, Co-Founder (Reseaclons Association) - Agnès Garçon, Mining resource officer (Sablières de l'Atlantique) - Ray Guillaume, CEO (Seaboost) - Morin Thibault, Associate (SeatrackBox)- D'Argentré Hugues, DG (Sogena-Euromaritime) - Capodano Marie-Gabrielle, Founder (Spiru’Marine) - Delmas Jerôme, CEO (SWEN Capital Partners) - Gamelin Christophe, Founder (Synergie Littoral) - Raynaud Claire, R&D Manager (Tame-Water) - Roux Anne-Sophie, Founder & CEO (Tēnaka) - Danis Raphaëlle, Co-founder & President (Thanks For Her) - Danis Nicolas, Co-founder (Thanks For Her) - Thomazeau Thierry, President (Thomsea) - Legrand Guillaume, CEO (TOWT) - Voisin Grégory, Founder, CEO & Ecotoxicologist (TOXI PLAN) - Bardout Ghislain, Co-director (UNDER THE POLE) - Périé-Bardout Emmanuelle, Co-director (UNDER THE POLE) - Arteaga Michaux Sayri, CEO (uWare Robotics) - Allain Remi, Founder & CEO (V20 Marine) - Watin Jérémy , Project Lead (VPLP) - Duclos Gwénaël, Founder & CEO (WIPSEA) - Ille Nathalie, Founder (Women For Sea).


ORGANISATIONS : Gautier Gaël, Director (AL LARK association) - Gourtay Michel, President of Technopole for the Campus' office (Campus mondial de la mer) - Raskin Kalina, General Director (Ceebios) - Deron Pierre, Delegate director (Clentech Open France) - Moncany de Saint-Aignan Frédéric, President (Cluster Maritime Français) - Lyon-Caen Yves, Président (Confédération du Nautisme et de la Plaisance) - Pardo Deborah, President, Co founder (Earthship sisters) - Erussard Victorien, President (Energy Observer Foundation) - Pons Geneviève, Director General, Vice President (Europe Jacques Delors) - Seiller Christophe, Cluster Director (EuroSIMA) - Protat Didier, President (Mer Angels) - Padioleau Marion, President (NINA) - Stone Julian, President (Ocean As Common) - Debas Laurent, Director, Co-founder (Planète Mer) - Monbet Philippe, General Director (Pôle Mer Bretagne Atlantique) - Avellan Christophe, Director (Pôle Mer Méditerranée) - Sussmann David, President (Pure Ocean) - Capiten Thomas, President (Thalas Expedition) - Rossier Fabienne, President (Sharks mission France) - Rioual Pierre-Yves, President (Soltena) - Pourtal Clément, Founder (The Blue Quest) - Bourgnon Yvan, President (The Sea Cleaners) - Hermen Renaud, Co-Founder (Water Family) - Occhiminuti Nicolas, Founder& President (Waves of Change Coalition) - Violain Florent, President (Wind Ship Association) - Detrimont Lise, General Delegate (Wind Ship Association).

ENTREPRISES :  Brunet-Chauveau Florence, Co-Founder (Altamire) - Poirson Anne-Claire, Founder (ACO2 consulting) - Curutchet Anraud, Founder (ADV Tech)-  Gérald Ludovic, Président (Alwena Shipping) - Vinet Thibault, Project Manager (Alwena Shipping) - Louis François-Xavier, Project Manager (Alwena Shipping) - Lucas François, Founder (Architecture Navale) - Parlier Yves, President (Beyond The Sea) - Thienpont Marc, General Director (Beyond The Sea) - Weber Jörg, Co-Founder (Blue Ocean Upcycle Marine Boat) - Fournier Jonathan, Founder (Eco Breeze Wind transport) - Gerente Isabelle, Founder & President (Green City Organisation) - Bocquet Olivier, Research & Innovation Director (LAB ROUGERIE+TANGRAM) - Guillebault Delphine, CEO (Microbia Environnement) - Dufour Vincent, President (Neocean) - Renaudin Alain, President (NewCorp Conseil) - Bernard Simon, CEO & Co-Founder (Plastic Odyssey) - Pommier Quentin, Co-Founder (Renée Prod) - Bédé Margaux, Co-founder (Renée Prod) - Passuello Leon, Co-founder (SAS ILIENS) - Thebaud Antoine, CEO (SEA PROVEN) - Joyeux Nils, CEO (Zéphyr & Borée);

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